Friday, March 20, 2009

Thank You Stampington

Today I'd like to say thank you to Stampington for a wonderful box of donations that were beyond what I had hoped for or could have imagined......

Stampington was kind enough to send a box full of Take Ten Magazines and the most beautiful designer paper...all to be used at the Card-a-Thon

Take Ten is one of my fav periodicals about card making and stamping...a trip to Barnes and Noble, for me, always includes a stop at the magazine section to get the most current copy....and then come home and devour the inspiration packed into it's pages....

The paper that Stamington sent is absoutely beautiful.....and will kick the cards that we make at the Card-a-Thon with it...up to the "elegant" notch..the colors..and textures are almost unlike anything I've ever seen....(wish the pictures could capture the detail)

Thanks so much Stampington....your donation has sent this Card-a-Thon well on its way to being a success....your generosity is so very much appreciated.


  1. Looks like your card-a-thon is going to be a fantastic success! YAY! Well done you!
