Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Card-less day..... Blog candy: 1 Day to Go!.....and Card-a-Thon Update with an S.O S. for Adhesives

Just one more day to go until a Blog Candy Winner is chosen! The Candy post will remain opened until midnight tomorrow (April 30th)..and a winner will be drawn on May 1st..and posted here on the blog!

Good Luck Everyone!
(If you're reading this post..and haven't commented under the blog candy post yet...go!! do it now! you'll have a chance to win what's posted in the pic above!

...and it's time for me to thank everyone who posted a link on their own help me get the word out about the Card-a-thon...

The Card-a-thon is coming along nicely...the Oceanside First United Methodist Church has been so kind in donating their church hall for the day..October 11th...

Some of the ladies who attend the Workshops/Crops that I organize every month have offered to help out with prepping materials..and at our May Workshops/Crop..they will begin taking home card stock to cut..score..etc....all of which is a HUGE help!

I have been receiving donations...primarily from SCS-ers and blog visitors who have contacted me and offered to "clean-out" their personal it up..and send it to me....everything has been wonderful..and in looking thru the boxes..I see all sorts of things that will be useful and appreciated that day....

Donations from "companies" has not been as successful...
Most tell me that the economy has forced them to limit donations...other have told me that I am not a "large charity organization"..and have declined the invitation to donate...2 "companies" have donated thus far...

* (Thank you Marcie!)
*Scor-Pal (Thank you Diana!)

In as much as i was SO pleased to have such generous product donations from Diana and Marcie...the poor response from companies is a disappointment..considering the dozens and dozens of companies that I have contacted (that we all know and give our business to)

....but I am not one to become discouraged..and so I'll continue to contact companies..(there are oodles of them out there..) hopes of a better response...

IF you are an individual and would like to make a donation...the primary..and largest need right now is for the following:

***ADHESIVES: double sided tape (in dispensers)...glue dots/all sizes...adhesive runners (snail style...Xyron..Tombow etc)

***Pre-cut and scored A2 cards in white, ivory and LIGHT colors (so that the soldiers can use a reg pen to sign the inside)

*** Colored images (all types) that are matted on one additional layer of (any color) card stock (punched, hand cut, nestied) and ready to go

***Card stock (all colors) cut to 4 x 5 1/4...for card fronts and Cuttlebugging
OR if you love your BUG like I do..Cuttlebugged cardstock (all colors) 4 x 5 1/4 that had been Cuttlebugged

Donations of these 4 items is essential to the success of this event..and remain the biggest challenge thus far.

If you would like to make a materials/supplies donation, please email me at


  1. I have not forgotten you Michelle, I just need to get it all organized and mailed out. I have some colored images, some cards, some embossed fronts, etc.......... just a little variety of things.

  2. Once I receive a goodie box for a swap I've joined I will be able to sort through my supplies and get something boxed up for the Card-a-Thon. I will try to send at least some of the items listed in the above post.

    I hope to be there October 11th but cannot commit yet (October is one of the busiest months - lots of birthdays etc. to be celebrated!)

    Happy Crafting!
    Tina aka TeeGeeDee (from SCS)

  3. I wish you the best. Remember to get some rest. Enjoy stampin!

  4. I have your package almost ready to go girl. I will get it to you very soon. I will email ya when I send. ;-) sounds like things are going great!
